Crop Ecology, Management, and Quality
Welcome! You can get involved with the Crop Ecology, Management and Quality Division on the Discussion Board. On this page you'll find archived content including information about the student poster contest including past winners.
Past Contest Award Winners
2015 Award Winners Minneapolis, MN
M.S. competition:
1st place - Alison Vogel, Univ. of Illinois
2nd place - Baylee Showalter, Kansas State Univ.
3rd place - Lauren Woloohojian, Texas A&M Univ.
Other Finalists - Ilse Barrios Perez (Univ. of Illinois), Chad Abbott (Miss. State Univ.), Brad Bernhard (Univ. of Illinois)
Ph.D. competition:
1st place - Reagan Noland, Univ. of Minnesota
2nd place - Adam Gaspar, Univ. of Wisconsin
3rd place - Rodrigo Werle, Univ. of Nebraska
Other Finalists - Martha Zwonitzer (Texas A&M Univ.), Eric Obeng (Kansas State Univ.), Samadangla Ao (Univ. of Minnesota)
2014 Award Winners Long Beach, CA
M.S. competition:
1st place - Giovana Cruppe, Oklahoma State Univ.
2nd place - Matti Kuykendall, Kansas State Univ.
3rd place - Michael Plumblee, Univ. of Georgia
Other Finalists - Grace Bluck (The Ohio State Univ), Amanda de Oliveira Silva (Purdue Univ.), Gary Gregg (Univ. of Kentucky)
Ph.D. competition:
1st place - Romulo Lollato, Oklahoma State Univ.
2nd place - Adam Gaspar, Univ. of Wisconsin
3rd place - Marie Bourguignon, Iowa State Univ.
Other Finalist - Joshua Vonk (Univ. of Illinois)
2013 Award Winners Tampa, FL
M.S. competition:
1st place - Adam Gaspar, Univ. of Wisconsin
2nd place - Martin Battaglia, Univ. of Kentucky
3rd place - Bryson Haverkamp, Kansas State Univ.
Other Finalists - Giovana Cruppe (Oklahoma State Univ), Jason Clark (Utah State Univ.), Andi Shore (Kansas State Univ.)
Ph.D. competition:
1st place - Alexandre Barreiro, Oklahoma State Univ.
2nd place - Alex Lindsey, The Ohio State Univ.
3rd place - Catherine Simpson, Texas A&M Univ.
Other Finalists - Ross Bender (Univ. of Illinois), Joseph Oakes (NC State Univ.), Amir Sadeghpour (Univ. of Massachusetts)
2012 Award Winners Cincinnati, OH
M.S. competition:
1st Place: Kim Larson, Kansas State Univ., Dept. of Agronomy
2nd Place: Romulo Lollato, Oklahoma State Univ., Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences
3rd Place: Samantha Ambrose, Oklahoma State Univ., Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences
PhD Candidates
1st Place: Ross Bender, Univ. of Illinois, Dept. of Crop Sciences
2nd Place: Ryan Van Roekel, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences
3rd Place: Ping Huang, Auburn Univ.
2011 Award Winners San Antonio, TX
M.S. competition:
1st Justin Moss – Univ. of Georgia - Economic and Weed Control Assessment of Double-Crop and Relay-Intercropping Systems of Peanut with Wheat
2nd Trevor Perkins – Purdue Univ. - Delayed Soybean Emergence: Competition or Compensation?
3rd Romulo Lollato – Oklahoma State Univ. - Agronomic Responses of Hard Red Winter Wheat to Different Liming and Phosphorus Fertilizer Strategies in Acid Soils
Ph.D. competition:
1st Dylan Wann – Texas Tech Univ. - Tillage Effects On Cover Crop Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling In Cotton
2nd Jason Sarver – Univ. of Georgia - Evaluation of Seeding Rates for Large-Seeded Runner Peanut Cultivars Planted In Twin Row Pattern
3rd Jason Haegele – Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Identifying High Yield Potential Corn Hybrids Through the Use of Nitrogen and Plant Density Response Trials
2010 Award Winners Long Beach, CA (pdf file)
1st Place- Alexandre Barreiro, Oklahoma State Univ. - Selecting Soybean Planting Date and Maturity Group for Oklahoma.
2nd Place-Landon Ries, Univ. of Minnesota - Plant Population and Latitude Effects on Cumulative Light Interception and Yield In Soybean.
3rd Place-Brian Beress, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Integrating the Building Blocks of Agronomy Into An IPM Strategy for Wheat Stem Sawfly.
2009 Award Winners Pittsburgh, PA
1st place - Catherine Swobada, Iowa State Univ. - Effect of planting date on sudden death syndrome symptom severity in Iowa
2nd place - Vladimir da Costa, Texas A&M Univ. - Drought effects on physiological traits of 1-CP treated cotton plants
3rd place - Alicia Kiszanos, Iowa State Univ. - Effects of tillage and plant distribution on soybean light interception and yield
2008 Award Winners Houston, TX
1st place - Vladimir Costa, Texas A&M Univ. - 1-Methylcyclopropene influence on cotton fruit set.
2nd place - Joseph Osenga, Iowa State Univ. - Effect of thiamethoxam on early growth of soybeans under differing water regimes.
3rd place - Patrick Forrestal, Univ. of Maryland - Evaluating corn-based prediction tools to identify adequacy of soil residual nitrate for wheat establishment in the Mid-Atlantic.
Student Poster Competition
The Graduate Student Poster Contest for Division C-3 at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting offers students opportunities to increase their visibility within the Society, to be honored by Division C-3 representatives for particularly exemplary posters, and to receive expanded professional interaction plus formal feedback from judges on their posters. The top 3 students of the contest will be recognized with a cash award, which will be presented during the Division C-3 Business Meeting, to honor their achievement. Awards will be given to the top 3 Ph.D. candidates and the top 3 Master's students. Guidelines
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