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Minutes C8 Plant Genetics Resources Business Meeting Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:40am Phoenix Convention Center, 122 BC, Phoenix, AZ 1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chair Jianming Yu...Yu at 11:40. 2. Minutes from the 2015 C8 business meeting were approved. Minutes will be posted on CSSA webpage. 3. C8 leadership was introduced: Jianming Yu, 2016 chair Laura Fredrick Marek, 2017 chair...applications for congressional fellows, next visit is March 13-14, 2017 f) As part of recognizing 2016 as the International Year of the Pulses (IYP), Mark Brick, leader of the CSSA IYP team, took 10 graduate...
MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2016: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM SHERATON GRAND, VALLEY OF THE SUN D PHOENIX, AZ Minutes Todd welcomed everyone to the meeting. Agenda and 2015 minutes were circulated. Sign in was...officers, as well as society officers as follows: Introduction of the C01 officers – Todd Campbell • C-01 2016 Chair – Todd Campbell, USDA-ARS, Florence, South Carolina • C-01 Incoming Chair – Seth Murray, Texas...Board Rep – Mark Sorrells, Cornell University Introduction of the C07 officers-David Lightfoot • C-07 2016 Chair – David Lightfoot, Southern Illinois University • C-07 Incoming Chair – Rajeev Varshney, ICRISAT...
Minutes C-8 Plant Genetics Resources Business Meeting Tuesday, November 17, 2015 11:00am Minneapolis Convention Center, L100 GH Lower Level Minneapolis MN 1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order...Chair Clarice Coyne at 11:20. Agenda and 2014 minutes were passed out 2. Minutes from the 2014 C-8 business meeting were approved by show of hands. Minutes will be posted on CSSA webpage by sometime in...published model and finished chapters are put up on the website as soon as they are received. c. CSSA membership is 5928, up from 2014. Invite and encourage others to join so we reach 6000 members. 4735 members...
CSSA Division C-9 Business Meeting ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting Wednesday, November 10, 2021 Salt Lake City, UT In attendance In-person: Dipak Santra, Vara Prasad, Marta Lima Virtual:...Virtual: Jason Gillman, Lee Tarpley Call to Order Meeting Chair: Dipak Santra Approval of 2020 minutes – postponed due to lack of quorum Introduction of officers: o Board Representative: Lee Tarpley...Representative report (by Vara Prasad because Lee Tarpley is not in-person) Membership numbers are going down, but graduate student membership is increasing; need to support the continuation of the members in the...
Minutes of the CSSA C-09 Division 2014 Business Meeting The 2014 Business Meeting of Div. C09 Biomedical, Health-Beneficial and Nutritionally Enhanced Plants was held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 during...the ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California. Brian Waters, 2014 Division Chair, presided. Shawn Kaeppler, Editor of Crop Science, provided an update on the journal, including...the C-9 division was encouraged. Paul Scott will be the next Technical Editor for C-09 related submissions. Shannon Pinson, CSSA Board Representative for C-09: Introduced the other 2015 Division officers...
Minutes from the 2013 C-8 Business Meeting were approved by unanimous consent. 3. Introduction of Division Officers: a. Chair, Melanie Harrison b. Past Chair...from David Baltensperger, CSSA President a. Melanie Harrison was recognized for her service as C8 Division Chair and presented a Certificate of Appreciation from CSSA. b. 2015 annual meeting will be held...outreach for 2015 International Year of Soils and 2016 International Year of the Pulses. g. Membership-flat, student membership up. h. Website updated, check Division website i. Budget- <62,000>, investment returns...
Minutes Crop Science Society of America Division C6 Forage and Grazinglands Business Meeting 2015 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Minneapolis, MN Wednesday, 18 November 2015 Meeting was called to order at...Newman to approve minutes from 2014 C6 Business Meeting. Motion passed. 3) CSSA update: Certificate of Appreciation: Marisol Berti was recognized for her leadership in CSSA as C6 Division Chair. 4) C6 Program...Program update: Marisol gave an overview of C6 program. This year the C6 division had 22 graduate student papers, 44 poster presentations, and 15 oral presentations (5 presentations in C6 symposium – ‘The...
Approval of last year’s minutes; Laura Marek will try to get these and missing years of minutes posted. 4. Reports from Shuyu Liu, CSSA journals and book committee...article/book chapter downloads through July 2017, compared with 2.7 million downloads through October 2016 6. Comments from Charlie Brummer CSSA President: The Societies can give you a job to do. There are...CSSA is seeking more members. Please join the societies and recruit others to join. The dip in membership has almost leveled off Please nominate qualified members for the Fellows in Crop Science award...
Minutes Crop Science Society of America Division C6 Forage and Grazinglands Business Meeting 2014 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Long Beach, CA Wednesday, 5 November 2014 Meeting was called to order at 11:15...Incoming Chair-elect 2) Motion was made by Lynn Sollenberger and seconded by Ben Tracy to approve minutes from 2013 C6 Business Meeting. Motion passed. 3) CSSA update: Certificate of Appreciation: Yoana...was recognized for his leadership in CSSA as C6 Division Chair. 4) C6 Program update: Twain Butler gave an overview of C6 program. This year the C6 division had 18 graduate student papers, 54 poster presentations...
Business Meeting Minutes, C6 Division Crop Science Society of America 2017 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL October 25, 2017 Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Guretzky...Guretzky at 1:30 p.m. Minutes: John Guretzky submitted minutes for approval from the 2016 meeting in Phoenix, AZ. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Marisol Berti. The motion was seconded by Bisoondat...the motion to approve the 2016 minutes was approved. Reports: CSSA President’s Report – Charles Brummer: The President’s report consisted of three main items – 1. CSSA membership is stable but there is always...