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CSSA Divisions | Crop Science Society of America Skip to main content CSSA Divisions Divisions are the building blocks of the Society. Focused on the technical, discipline, educational, and networking...collaborate and educate. Division Chairs provide the immediate interaction of the membership of the Society and should drive it toward the future. The primary purpose of Divisions is to better assemble members...activities are initiated within Divisions providing a coordinating and management role. The Divisions also provides a governance voice for the Society, with each of the nine Divisions represented on the CSSA Board...

Mark Brick, President-elect CSSA, reported on relevant items from the C01/C07/C08 Divisions. Ideas for papers and symposia for the 2013 Annual Meetings were solicited from the members. Members It was noted that society membership is increasing, especially student participation. In the past year, significant changes have been made to the C01/C07/C08 publications. The shift to digital...the C01 Division. It was noted that the C01 and joint C01/C07 symposia were well attended in 2012. The members attending the meeting expressed an appreciation that scheduling of C01/C02/C07/C08 sessions...

The C01 division should consider playong a role in developing these programs. Mark emphasized the need to maintain Division web pages. The C01 and C07 pages were currently...encouraged the C01 and C07 division members to share these ideas with the staff at the main office. The Science Policy Office was active in 2013. Mark encouraged the C01 and C07 division members to contact the...Visits, the Legislative Action Network, or Science Policy Speaking Tour. Mark provide a report on membership indicating that the number of active members was down by 33; however, new members, especially student...

Introduction of Division Officers: a. Chair, Melanie Harrison b. Past Chair, Andrea Cardinal c. Chair-elect, Clarice Coyne...from David Baltensperger, CSSA President a. Melanie Harrison was recognized for her service as C8 Division Chair and presented a Certificate of Appreciation from CSSA. b. 2015 annual meeting will be held...International Year of Soils and 2016 International Year of the Pulses. g. Membership-flat, student membership up. h. Website updated, check Division website i. Budget- <62,000>, investment returns will cover shortfall...

CSSA Divisions Join: Learn more: Discussion Boards: Turfgrass Science C06 Forage & Grazinglands C07 Genomics, Molecular Genetics, & Biotechnology C08 Plant Genetic Resources C09 Crops for Nutrition & Health Copyright © 2023 Crop Science Society of America...Chapter 1: CSSA Divisions ..........5 Services to CSSA Divisions ..........6 Communication Options for Divisions ..........6 Chapter 2: CSSA Annual Meeting .......... 7 CSSA Divisions—Best Practices ....

The C-01 division should consider playing a role in developing these programs. Mark emphasized the need to maintain Division web pages. The C-01 and C-07 pages were currently...encouraged the C-01 and C-07 division members to share these ideas with the staff at the main office. The Science Policy Office was active in 2013. Mark encouraged the C-01 and C-07 division members to contact the...Visits, the Legislative Action Network, or Science Policy Speaking Tour. Mark provided a report on membership indicating that the number of active members was down by 33; however, new members, especially student...

For your convenience, a search was performed using the query membership divisions c08 papers . History Historical Highlights for Division C-8, Plant Genetic Resources, Crop Science Society of America...material a copy of the by-laws, perhaps from Gary Pederson, and the procedures for selecting outstanding papers from Tommy Carter. Denver 1991 Chair: Steve Kresovich, USDA-ARS, North Eastern Regional Plant Introduction...52 orals/posters C-8 Papers Published in Crop Science: 2 (1991 calendar year) Membership: 25 First Choice 41 Second Choice 39 Third Choice 105 Total Other notes: The C-8 Division was established with provisional...